ATID (Advancing Temple Institutional Development) is a North American organization for those serving as the primary development professionals at Jewish synagogues. Welcome!

ATID Board 2024-2025

​​​Amanda Greenawalt – President
Executive Director
Temple Beth Israel, Port Washington, NY

Leslie Fleisher - VP of Administration 

Director of Philanthropy

​Temple Sinai, Pittsburgh, PA

Hannah Moore - VP of Membership

Director of Philanthropy

Rodef Shalom, Falls Church, VA

Noah Benjamin - VP of Recruitment

Director of Development

Temple Sinai, Washington, DC

Anna Shabtay – VP of Programming

Director of Congregational Advancement

Congregation Emanu El, Houston, TX

Jen Boxerman - VP of Communications

Director of Philanthropy

Temple Isaiah, Lafayette, CA

At Large

Rachel Schachter – Immediate Past President
Director of Strategic Advancement
Temple Israel, Minneapolis, MN

Ann Rosenfield
Chief Development Officer
Temple Sinai, Toronto, Canada

Francie Miran

​Development Director

Temple Emanuel, Denver, CO

If you are interested in board leadership, please contact President Amanda Greenawalt to discuss opportunities.